UNSMIL Calls for Immediate Probe into Disturbing Torture Videos Circulating on Social Media

Tripoli: UNSMIL has expressed alarm over disturbing videos circulating on social media that depict brutal torture and ill-treatment of detainees at the Gernada detention facility in eastern Libya. The organization has called for an immediate and transparent investigation into these alleged violations and demands that perpetrators be brought to justice.

According to Libyan News Agency, the videos reveal numerous detainees, both Libyan and foreign nationals, being violently beaten and forced into stress positions by guards in uniform. This footage aligns with documented patterns of human rights violations occurring in detention facilities across Libya.

UNSMIL has strongly condemned these acts, which they state are serious violations of international human rights law, including the prohibition of torture.

Furthermore, UNSMIL has announced its coordination with the General Command of the Libyan National Army to ensure unrestricted access for UNSMIL’s human rights officers and other independent monitors to the Gernada facility and other detention centers under their control.